Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Please help me reconstruct my blogroll


Blogger Philo said...

Well, I don't know if I was on your blogroll before, but I wouldn't mind being in the reconstructed one.

Tue Nov 09, 02:00:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Philo, if you can help me reconstruct my blogroll, you'll be on it!

Tue Nov 09, 02:07:00 PM 2010  
Anonymous Woodrow/Conservadox said...

How can any of us help (other than by leaving our own URLs)?

Tue Nov 09, 03:56:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

The problem is that I have no idea where in my template to paste the URLs and/or what kind of coding I might need to use to insert them. (Sadly, the directions that Reform Baal Teshuvah gave me don't seem to work for the layout of my template.) When Sheyna was able to give me a hand, we sent the template back and forth via e-mail--I think she advised me to use WordPad.

Tue Nov 09, 04:25:00 PM 2010  
Blogger The Reform Baal Teshuvah said...

Your blogroll is working at just this moment, so I captured its code into a text file that we can use to rebuild it in a non-blogrolling dependent way. It will take me some time to peel out the garbage that blogrolling throws in among the info.

Once that's done, we'll need to talk, either by email or voice; making me a team member on your blog so that I can see if I can add the widget for you may be the easiest way to manage this.

Sun Nov 14, 07:45:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Wow, thanks, Reform BT! You can reach me at onthefringe_jewishblogger at yahoo dot com.

Mon Nov 15, 12:28:00 PM 2010  

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